The free dinner crowd, hopefully |
When the fishing boats come in, the pelicans line up on top of the turtle exhibit in hopes of feasting on some scraps from cleaning the fish catch. They are not always rewarded and so the wait if many times for vain but hope springs eternal and there they are.
I'm ready, I'm ready... |
It was a cool day sod we took Hoolie over to the dog park. It has become a local attraction for "snow dogs" complete with a banner and signed names of dogs. At some point in time, I'm sure it will become the latest condo addition to Key West but for the moment, it's a great place for dogs to run free!
We are content to mostly just relax on Fleetwing. It's what we enjoy doing the most. I'm working on a presentation on "Going North" for a date sometime in mid-March. With all the boaters here in Key West, I thought there might be some interest in the status of the ICW north of here. There have been lots of changes affecting the route to Hampton and it would be good to know for those returning north. I hope to have a date and venue by next week at which time I will publicize it here and on my Facebook page. It should be fun.
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