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Posted by Bob423 at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Posted by Bob423 at 8:44 PM 0 comments
Posted by Bob423 at 7:58 PM 2 comments
Posted by Bob423 at 9:18 PM 2 comments
Posted by Bob423 at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Posted by Bob423 at 9:25 PM 0 comments
Posted by Bob423 at 9:32 PM 2 comments
We are headed for Maine again in 2008. We plan on leaving Poughkeepsie Yacht Club on 6/24, a Tuesday and spend our first night at Haverstraw Bay. Matthew, our oldest grandson, will be with us again until we reach Maine when we will be joined by his family for a week of sailing. Ann's cousin Richard will join us in late July followed by Don and Liz Bunch in early August and then Leathem and Ann Mehaffey in late August.
We are looking forward to an enjoyable cruise with friends. This year we won't do the overnighter from P-Town but rather just harbor hop northward following the same route we took last year on the way home. I will continue the daily blog, of course, but this year I plan something new. I bought the new Spot Messenger which will transmit our GPS position to an overhead satellite every 10 minutes in real time which will be posted to a website accessible by anyone with the link. The real time positional information can be accessed here. I will be using my cellphone as a modem for most of the trip until I get too far downeast (past Mt Desert) when I'll be dependent upon WiFi hotspots. The blog will continue to be written daily but the publishing of the blog will be governed by access to WiFi hotspots or cellphone coverage. Once published, you will be able to read the daily reports.
Well, wish us luck. We could use some after our dodger window was punched full of holes from golf ball size hail last week. It's repaired now but it was quite a shock to see all the holes. The steward's car had dimples all over the hood from the impacts of the hail! Several other boat in the yacht club also suffered similar damage, it was some storm!
The next posting will be Tuesday night from Haverstraw Bay
Posted by Bob423 at 7:19 PM 0 comments