Ahoy it's Matt. I woke up to the sound of Grand pa yelling at Hoolie for eating up his soft cover books. Then we had cereal for breakfast. Then I started the dink. we did laundry at a laundry mat. Then we came back to see almost every thing okay. Hoolie chewed on the date whats a ma call it. then we went to the Maritime Museum. After that we went to the farmers market. Then I made a good landing and found the cabin covered with onion peels. Ho got into the onions that were on the counter. After the catastrophe I drew. Write tomorrow.
As Matt mentioned, Hoolie misbehaved twice today when we was left alone on the boat. His weakness seems to be paper and things like paper (onion skins). We not quite sure what to do about that except lock him up in the head when we leave where he can't get into any trouble. Otherwise he's been great on the boat and much easier than Lance was. He goes twice a day without a problem and doesn't chew on anything else except paper. Perhaps he doesn't get enough exercise and has too much nervous energy, don't know.

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