I used the quiet time in the morning to refill the water tanks. The water in Rockland has a off taste so we avoid water from there but Belfast is okay. With full tanks we started towards Rockland. There was no wind and no waves so we motored south and found a favorable current too. Altogether, we headed south at 8.5 kts and made Rockland in three hours.
The first order of business was to buy a crate for Hoolie so we can feel comfortable leaving him alone in the boat when we have to go out without him. He’s still a puppy and perhaps will settle down in the future, especially after he’s “fixed” but we needed an immediate solution for our cruise. We returned to the boat, inserted Hoolie and headed off for lunch.

Soon it started to rain lightly and so we hurried back to the boat. Not too long after that, the heavens opened up for the next four hours! We put in the rest of the enclosure for the cockpit and, safely dry, we watched the rain. We served wine and cheese using the serving tray made by Dick Burns with an outline of a moose, hence known as our moose tray. You can tell Dick is a sailor, the tray is just the right size for two and the fiddle edges keep everything on the tray. I did find a weather window for Hoolie so I didn’t have to get into full weather gear!
Matthew’s dad is due to arrive tonight to take Matthew home Saturday. We will sorely miss Matt. He’s been a big help on the boat and is learning more everyday in the running of the boat. Now Nana will have to use the motor hoist while I’m in the dink putting on the motor. We’ll have to put out all the lines and adjust the fenders ourselves. I’ll have no helper in the morning when weighing anchor. Most of all, we’ll miss having Matt around, always cheerful, always full of fun – and complaining about his “yellow bag of horror” (math homework over the summer). We’ll miss you Matt.