Monday, February 17, 2020

Key West - Kapok Tree, BOs, and Dennis

The Kapok Tree - I've only seen one in Key West
You'll never see a Kapok tree much farther north than Key West. The biggest one I've ever seen is near the Green Parrot. The branches go in all directions and occupy an enormous space. It's one of the most photographed trees in the world. I think it's beautiful.

It doesn't look like much but then that's BOs for you - however, they have the best, pure fish sandwich in Key West 
They were working on BOs Fishwagon today up on the roof. It appears they were working to stop one of the many avenues of leakage available to local rainstorms. The repair started out with a blue tarp (what else!) I'm not sure if that's the repair or they intend making something more permanent - but then this is Key West and maybe that's the extent of the repair?

Dennis doesn't sail at night - but has great sails during the day!
One person we've known for the past 10 years is Dennis who runs a sailing charter called, Breezin from our dock. I think he holds some sort of record for five-star reviews, he always makes sure the customer is completely satisfied. If you ever want to get a personal taste of sailing in the Keys, you can't do better than Dennis at Breezin. He's on Dock E, right down our dock. He's a great guy.


Jack Wuensch said...

What marina are you in?

Fred Brillo said...

I see Key West has changed alot over the years... back in the 80s, genteel people didnt go into the Green Parrot unless they arrived on a Harley and handnt bathed in a few weeks. It was not a tourist friendly place. Bump into the wrong person or spill a beer and you might leave with a few less teeth. I see its changed its ways...

Bob423 said...

Jack, Key West Bight Marina, E16.

Fred, nobody attacked us... still an open air bar, still free popcorn, good music.

Fred Brillo said...

Its obviously changed and they've cleaned up their act since I was there last. I used to go every January with the Ft. Lauderdale to Key West Race crowd when there used to be lots of PHRF cruising boats racing. That was before all the cruise ships came to Key West. Back then it was a drinking town with a fishing problem. I worked for a little airline that flew into Key West back in the late 70s, and early 80s... Its changed alot since everything else. The docks in front of the Half Shell used to be rows and rows of commercial shrimp boats. Time doesn't stand still.

Changes in L'Attitudes said...

Seeing that end of the Rainbow sign reminds me of my first trip to KW in 1973. Here's my Dad standing in front of one. There are several around town. Last one I saw was at the NAVY Vacation Rentals office over on Trumbo. ... might even be the same tree as yours, but the wording looks a little different.

Will have to take a look when we're down there last week of February.

Dana Reyes said...

Great reading your posst

Maris said...

I love that there are so many unique and interesting businesses like this one.