Lots of art at the Key West yearly art show |
The Key West art show was today. Artists from all over set up shop on Whitehead street to sell their wares. There was even one guy from New York ("what's that white stuff in your painting?") who went through a very elaborate process to transfer drawings to aluminum. They were quite good.
We stopped at Sloppy Joes on the way back, too crowded, not a seat to be had |
The rest of the artists were of varying quality (that's artist speak for, "not very good"). Still, it was fun to walk along and view the different styles. Every artist seemed to gravitate to a particular style with all their painting done a certain way.
I counted five chickens within five feet of our table. BOs is open-air and all rea invited. |
At five, we took advantage of a reception at a real art gallery, the
Gallery on Green Street. The paintings usually go for the $1000 to $15,000 range, far outside our affordable budget but they are wonderful to admire. Ann had some shop talk time with the featured artist.
Barry was holding forth as usual, in fine form |
To close out a perfect day, we had fish sandwiches at BOs Fishwagon with Barry Cuda playing at the piano with saxophone accompaniment. He clearly enjoys what he doing and it shows in his crowd interaction and music. We even got a table this time. There were people dancing in the aisles to his music. It was just a great evening, I highly recommend going there Saturday nights when Barry is playing.
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