Unfortunately, when setting it was behind a low lying island just visible |
We are approaching the last week of our two month stay. The time has just flown by, how can it have been almost two months already? Now thoughts turn to preparation for the return trip north. Of course laundry is done (today), there is just no way to get around that. We took the Key West transit bus to Publix and back, $0.50 apiece each way. Next on the agenda is an oil and oil filter change for both the main engine, the Volvo, and the outboard. Yesterday I had the propeller zinc replaced and the bottom scrubbed so that's done. I need to wash down the boat. The constant going and coming tracks in a lot of soil (a white boat turning gray!)
We do not yet know our exact departure date, it all depends on the weather. We would like a calm day or a rare west wind, north would be okay too - just not an east wind which is the direction we're heading when returning to Marathon. So for now I still go over to Mallory Square but I'm realizing that's it's a rare viewing spot that doesn't have a far away island between you and the sun - so no green flash. Oh well, I'll move around some more tomorrow.
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