Ahoy mates me again. Today I watched a movie. Went swimming for a very little while. We left and went back into Buzzard's Bay. Boy it was rough or I think so hey I can't tell I was reading and drawing all the time. Then we arrived at Sandwich and fueled up and docked. Last but not least we went to Seafood Sam's. More tomorrow on Matt's Blog.
We had to hang around Cuttyhunk until noon since the current did not change in our favor in the Cape Cod Canal until 3:30 pm. Luckily, the fog lifted by the time we left. Although we had a southwest wind, it wasn't hard enough to drive us on our schedule for the canal so we motor sailed with only the jib up. Coming towards the canal entrance, we were surfing at times up to 10 kts (before the current started up, we were just riding the following sea). Monique reported that Spot gave some erroneous readings today and I can only guess that it was related to the slewing
of the boat by the waves coming from behind as we approached the canal entrance.
We had to hang around Cuttyhunk until noon since the current did not change in our favor in the Cape Cod Canal until 3:30 pm. Luckily, the fog lifted by the time we left. Although we had a southwest wind, it wasn't hard enough to drive us on our schedule for the canal so we motor sailed with only the jib up. Coming towards the canal entrance, we were surfing at times up to 10 kts (before the current started up, we were just riding the following sea). Monique reported that Spot gave some erroneous readings today and I can only guess that it was related to the slewing

We refueled ($4.79/gal, 20.4 gals) and then headed for our dock ($2/ft). We were quite apprehensive since the dock we were assigned to was to windward with a big post in the middle. Furthermore, there was only one dock hand to help us in and the wind was gusting to 20 kts - blowing us away from our dock and towards the middle piling. I came in rather fast to maintain headway but the dockhand (actually, the Harbor Master) didn't snug up the midship cleat line enough, leaving a lot of slack which led to us bumping the center piling with Ann fending us off as best she could, an exciting time was had by all. However, there was no damage done and we secured ourselves without further ado.
Next on the agenda was a seafood dinner at Seafood Sam's, a local restaurant. Ann and I had fried, whole clams while Matthew had chicken parmesan (what! - not seafood..., oh well). The
clams were good but wouldn't be mistaken for Lenny's. We plan on an 8:00 start tomorrow to reach Scituate before the thunderstorms. Winds are predicted to gust to 30 kts so it ought to be an interesting ride.

Hey you didn't eat a sandwich on sandwich??HaHA
Nope, no sandwich - the calms beckoned....
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