Bill Washburn |
We awoke this morning to dense fog. It's the first time in five years that we've ever seen fog in Key West. Well, we though it would certainly burn off by the time our crew arrives for a noon sail. As the morning worn on, however, we had no such luck so we headed out anyway and anchored for lunch. Eventually we did get about 5 kts of wind which was just enough to get us going so we had a pleasant sail and an enjoyable time of catching up on PYC and northern news plus things about Key West we didn't know.
Bill Spence |
On the way back we were passed by the Coast Guard in one of their bigger ships. We made sure we were out of the channel even though we were sailing, you don't mess with them. We are getting better returning to the slip. Ann did a great job of gliding into the dock and our crew of Bill Washburn and Bill Spencer looped the two side pilings to stop our forward progress while I looped the two cleats on the dock in front of us. A lot of things happening at once. We made it without a bump.
Looking towards Mallory Square |
We had sandwiches from the Cuban Coffee Queen for lunch so we had a light dinner. Looking ahead, the temperatures for the next week will repeat with lows of 70 and highs of 78 each day, good old fashioned Key West dependable weather in our book. I bring this up because when we looked at our webcam back up north in our house we saw an outside temperature of -11 F! That was a shock (but probably more of a shock for those still up north!. We'll try and make the best of it (the weather down here that is).
Just to remind us that beautiful creatures of snow can certainly be captured on cameras up north, here's a view of a hawk in the bird feeder of Brian McDonnell. He certainly looks fierce!
It looks to be a Sharp Shinned Hawk, we think |
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