Note the platform above the outboard - it's where they stand to pole the boat forward. The long, black pole is alongside. |
Every trip down the dock we walk by the charters for
flats fishing. They are all shallow draft boats that fish in very shallow waters near the gulf. They all have a very long pole they use to move the boat when it's too shallow for the outboard.
About 1/2 dozen tarpons gather to keep the parts of the fish not wanted from spoiling |
When they return from flats fishing, there's always fish to clean and it always attracts a crowd, some very large tarpons! It looks like fun but we've never been out for flats fishing.
Bob and Ann Sherer at left, Bill and Sharman Fitchett at top and Bill and Ruth McKeever at right |
We decided to rent a car for a week to get around Key West better, especially since Ann is not up to full speed yet for walking. We used the car to keep our 6:30 appointment at Blue Heaven (again!). It was a meeting of the Poughkeepsie Yacht Club (PYC) south. After solving all of the club's problems (after a few drinks) we agreed that we all had a good time. The Fitchetts are leaving Thursday morning, heading north once again, followed by the McKeevers a couple of weeks later and we'll bring up the rear the end of February. Our progress north will be quite a bit slower than anyone else, not reaching PYC until late May. As for now, we'll enjoy Key West.
Sounds like you guys are having a great time despite Ann's problems. Say high to Bill(both of them),Ruth & Sharman. What a contrast for Bill Fitchett who was snow mobiling just two weeks ago! Phil
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