Actually a house of ill-repute, in the past |
Ann is still recovering from the antibiotic that attacked her Achilles tendons so she's carefully walking just a little everyday. Today Ann was looking for houses to paint so she took a series of photo of houses within walking distance of the dock which are pictured in the blog. They are all well kept and usually with lots of plantings, quite beautiful.
Typical fine home in Key West near the Bight |
Today was "fix the bed warmer day". When temps are cool at night, it's great to crawl into a warm bed. We have a 12v bed warmer but it seems to have given up the ghost so today I looked into fixing it. Well, about 6 hours later, it seems to be working. I figure I could have bought 3 or 4 bed warmers once my hourly rate was figured in. Oh well, it's working for the present but they don't appear to be too durable.
If you drive to Key West, you might stay in a house like thiis |
I looked at other marinas in the harbor but they all cost more.
A&B Marina has low docks which we would have to back into thereby losing all our privacy that we enjoy bow in. They cater mostly to the powerboater crowd ($3/ft or $50/ft/month vs $2.75 and $44/ft/moth for the city marina).
The Galleon ($3.50/ft) has floating docks but they cost about 50% more than the city docks long term. All in all, we still prefer the city docks as long as they don't raise rates.
The ever present panhandler |
The winds are dying off and the temps are increasing so we're looking forward to nice weather down here.
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