A very nice pool is to the right |
I think some of the cold meds prescribed caught up with Ann today. The ones requiring a prescription are pretty strong and I think they interacted today so Ann didn't feel so good although she is better tonight. It was actually very calm crossing the inlet today but the Ashepoo Coosaw cutoff was worse than I've ever seen it. We had a 3 ft tide by the time we reached it and we still only had 7.5 ft of water which would mean 4.5 ft at low tide - thin but we made it through okay.
Whatever happened to the small RV's? |
Now we're docked at the Hilton Head RV Resort and Marina. This place is very upscale. Most of the RV's look as big as Greyhound buses and some even come with push out sides to expand the living space. Personally I think it's too far north, it gets cold here in the wintertime, not like Key West. We had planned on anchoring out tonight but with Ann not feeling so good, we decided to take a dock.
Nice sign for our fuel dock! |
Well, we're tracking Sandy as it heads north. All the spaghetti tracks (the predictions from 12 different tracking programs) have Sandy heading away from Florida, Georgia and South Carolina although it may turn west and hit the mainland north of Virginia. It's due to miss us. Regardless, we'll get some high winds and anyone going down the coast will see some serious wave action but we'll be inside the rest of the way. We plan on holing up in Savannah Thursday through Saturday to avoid the winds. Maybe I can catch up on some boat projects (ha!). We'll dock in Savannah so we're facing north to get the winds on the bow.
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