The Trump parade of boats passed by |
We heard this noise passing by and looked out to see what was happening. There was a flotilla of about 100 boats slowly going by. About half of them flew flags supporting Trump for 2020. It was evidently some kind of political parade but with boats instead of marching. It was quite a sight. It was a beautiful day to be out on the water with temperatures in the 80s and no rain. The tropical storm passed Savannah way offshore so we saw no effects from the storm.
That's the mast in the water. Note the mask stub left on the boat |
Later in the afternoon, we heard that a sailboat had hit the lift bridge just north of the marina. It's a double lane bridge and one of the lanes only has one side operating which narrows the opening considerably. We talked later to the captain and she said that she entered from the south where both sides opened but the second set lanes only had one leaf up which she did not expect. She hit the one side not up. It took her mast down and the boat came into Hinckley later this afternoon.
She has a major repair job to do. She was not injured which was the first priority but now all her plans are disrupted, what to do? She came over to Fleetwing for wine around 6:30 so we offered her solace. She sat on the stool on the dock while we were in the cockpit, social distancing. We invited her over again Monday evening, she needed some wine. It has to be one of the most upsetting of experiences to hit a bridge, we feel for her. She is single handing her boat and she has been to the Bahamas.
We will see on Monday where we stand for parts. Most likely, we will be waiting until Tuesday to get the parts we need. At least that lets the tropical storm time to get well off shore but we look forward to going north again.
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