There was ripraft by US1 on the northern shore at Long Key - perfect for Hoolie relief |
We had intended make the trip all the way to Marine Stadium in Miami but the morning weather was not good with 20 kt winds out of the north. According to the forecast, they were due to subside by noon to 10 kts or so. Given our experience with yesterday's forecast where every weather app and the NOAA coastal forecast all got horribly wrong, we were apprehensive about setting out and taking a beating for four hours on the promise of better weather later in the day.
Our first sunset picture |
We decided to wait out the high winds in the safety of the Long Key anchorage. Sure enough, the winds this time did obey the weather forecasters and abated on time around noon. Seeing the downward trend, we decided to take off at 11:00 and make Caesars Creek by 7:00 pm. We will overnight and leave in the morning at exactly high tide. We need every bit of that to make it through the 3.7 MLLW spots on the western side.
Our second sunset picture a little later |
Once through Caesars Creek, we will head for a day of rest at Marine Stadium before heading north again to Ft Lauderdale. After that, it just depends on the weather. We plan to move every day we can.
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