Not full yet, wait until next week, the height of the spring break |
Ann is busy painting in pastels during the day up in the cockpit. It's a perfect place with good light and it's easy to clean up afterwards. She aims for a painting a day of the 9 x 9 inch size, good for a boat. I'll feature some in future blogs.
Ann's material for her next painting |
To get more material for paintings we went over to William St to the flowers planted by F
ast Bucks at Home, a local furniture store. They are in full bloom now. Ann took many photos and I'm sure they will appear in future pastels.
This is what happens after a good run in the dog park |
The spring breakers are not in full strength yet but they still fill up the one
local swimming pool pretty well. The swimwear for the men pretty much stays the same from year to year but for the women it seems the swimwear shrinks each year. After that we took Hoolie over to the new dog park where all he did was run and run and run. After his tongue was hanging out, almost touching the ground we called it quits.
After dinner we wandered over to Schooner Wharf where
Island Time Duo was playing on the steel drums. After Barry Cuda, they are my favorite band in Key West. I just like the sound of the steel drums even if they don't always play island music, easy to listen to. The wind is still 20 to 30 but it continues to be warm, in the mid 70's so it's fine if you're in a secure harbor like us.
I am curious about bottom paint. Is there a way I can send my question to you.
Thanks. Jim
s/v Steadfast
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