Typical $900K home in Key West |
We're still recovering from our northern colds so we took it easy another day which not hard to do in Key West! On Wednesday we rent a car for a day for all of $2 since I have so many points built up. It will cost more for parking than for the car ($13/day). Along the way this afternoon I took a photo of a typical rental cottage along one of our walking streets. They are all well kept, reflecting their resale value of roughly
$900K. Properties in Key West are hard to come by and this one has no ocean view, it's on an alleyway off Caroline Street.This one's not even on the market, they would have to agree to sell it first. Also, at this bargain price you only get two beds and one bath.
Orders are taken with enthusiasm at the Cuban Coffee Queen |
Since neither of us felt ambitious, I went over to get Cuban Mix sandwiches from the Cuban Coffee Queen. They are the standard of excellence of the island and they did not disappoint. You can avoid the lines by calling in your order in advance which I did. They always included a sucker in the package, nice.
Just to say "Thank you" for the top-notch job you do providing suggested routing on the AICW. We just moved south from Fernandina at slack high water, and noticed we were not the only ones using your waypoints. The northbound boat did not want to deviate a foot from your line... Regards, SV Rigel
Well, I don't want to be the cause of a head-on collision! The channel is not that narrow... BTW, who deviated first? I'm glad you found the waypoints useful.
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