Not sure what this is but it's very pretty |
There are flowers here that I, in my limited experience, have seen nowhere else. So forgive me if I take too many photos of them. Ann and I love to just walk along the streets and see the flowers blooming in people's yards. At this time of the year, they are starting to come out in force.
Yours and Mayan displays nice jewelry |
We took Hoolie over to the new dog park again and he ran so hard he couldn't walk back to the boat without lying down and resting while panting heavily. We retired for wine and to watch the sunset from Fleetwing.
Sunset off Fleetwing |
I took Hoolie for his nighttime walk and found Duval Street packed once more. All the restaurants seemed to be sold out, the bars too. Of course, the only thing Hoolie is doing while walking along Duval is look for food scraps. He's constantly ducking his head to pick up a morsel, he thinks. My left arm is getting stronger from the effort in pulling upward constantly on Hoolie's leash.
The sunset was nice from the boat. Daylight savings time starts overnight on Sunday and then I'll take Hoolie for a walk that includes Mallory Square and see if I can get some sunset photos from there. Meanwhile, Ann continues to improve and perhaps we can continue our Sunday night jazz concerts at The Gardens Hotel.
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