We prefer our sunsets off the aft deck of Fleetwing |
It was blowing pretty good out of the southeast, kicking up some good wave action and with a prediction of even higher winds for Friday, we decided to press onward to Marathon. Later in the week, the winds are predicted to reach 25 to 30 kts out of the east so we may be here for awhile. We prefer winds off the land (north) or behind us (west).
Lots and lots of boats, but enough room |
So now we have a place for Ann to complete her recovery in a harbor with 360 degree protection. Plus, it is really warming up down here. Friday the high is supposed to be 84! After being here several times we got to know the layout better and asked for a mooring with a shorter distance for our three times a day Hoolie runs. We wound up with J1, just off the fairway to the main dinghy dock, perfect for us.
The mooring and docks rate have gone up since our last visit in January. The weekly rate for a mooring increased from $105 to $110, not a huge deal but an increase nevertheless. If you wanted to stay a month (and many do), the rate is $300. Many stay the entire winter here and form a community with movies from their own library, yoga classes, cookouts, etc., a regular home away from home. We won't be here that long but the boaters are friendly and the weather is nice.
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