Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Searsport - Great Sail With Dick and Barb Burns

The morning was very calm and as often happens in Maine there was no wind to point the boats so they drifted with the tides. We were all pointing in different directions in the morning. We were all far enough apart that there was no danger of hitting. However, anchoring was not without entertainment. We had been the first one in the harbor and then the other boats arrived. They all headed for us like a torpedo, as if we had the perfect spot and they wanted to share our space. One boat even did a 360 around us as we stared and then anchored too close we thought but wound us far enough away. Another boat was more entertaining. They anchored in front of a trawler and found themselves less than 50 ft away, too close. They hauled anchor and moved in our direction and dropped their anchor again, too close to us! They hauled anchor a second time and the third time was the charm, far enough away from us. We can't understand the attraction our boat has. I just tell Ann that she picks out such good spots that everybody else wants to be as close as possible! Maybe we should pick out worse anchor spots?

We putted around the boat doing boat chores waiting for the wind to build in as it usually does in the afternoon. We motored over to Searsport to meet Dick and Barb Burns at 12:30 and we were off sailing. We had no particular location in mind, just wanted to sail and we had good winds for the rest of the day.

Ann had made a picnic dinner with tuna salad, deviled eggs and a pasta salad and Dick picked out an anchorage further up the Penobscot river at Port Point Cove. We anchored and had the entire anchorage all to ourselves as we enjoyed Ann's cooking.

With a good time enjoyed by all, we headed back towards Searsport and sailed for awhile before having to turn on the iron genny. Dick talked to the harbor master and arranged a mooring for us to use tonight that's very convenient to the town dock. We all enjoyed the sunset. It was a fun day!