Sunday, August 16, 2009

Merchant’s Harbor, Yet Another All Day Sail, Sunny and Warm

Since today was Sunday, I went after sweet pastries for breakfast. There’s one breakfast diner that opens early on Sunday and they have the best buns around. Next on the list of things to do was to reprovision at the nearby Hannafords. On the way in the Coast Guard station had all their extra nuns and cans on display. I guess they have some at the ready in case one winds up missing. Since we’re further away from the Coast Guard station on our mooring compared to at the dock in Journey’s End, we don’t hear the morning serenade of bells, toots and whistles which we don’t miss at all!

We said our goodbyes at the dock and headed back to the boat with a dozen bags of groceries and 20 lbs of ice. It was going to be a hot day in Rockland so we were anxious to set out but there was no wind. Finally around 11:00 am we started seeing ripples and off we went. Clearing the harbor, the wind picked up and we sailed for the next six hours! We had intended to anchor at Seal Bay but the wind was so good that we continued on to Merchant’s Harbor. I think the boating season has started in earnest in Maine. We were the first one in the anchorage but then four more boats came in and formed a circle around our “best” position, much too close since the harbor is on the small size. The last time we were here, a boat that was too close swung around and banged into us at 4:00 am. Hopefully that doesn’t happen tonight.