Thursday, March 30, 2023

Key West - Changing Seasons


The increasing high clouds are pretty but portend raining weather coming

The wintertime here is dry but with every passing day, there’s more likelihood of shower or two. You can see it in the sky with the increased high clouds. We had a water spout warning this morning but we didn’t see any. There were a few sprits of water, nothing major. I think it’s time to move on.

Other than walking, the main mode of transportation remains the bike. 

Ann is gradually getting better, good enough to travel so we’re still aiming at Sunday for moving to Marathon where we hope to pick up a mooring. The next day remains iffy on continuing to Key Largo. The weather models do not agree and that’s always a bad sign. 

Meanwhile, we’ll make preparations for our journey north with provisioning, water, and a pump out. Hopefully, it all comes together for a Sunday departure.