Hoolie's Island, note the sandy beach to the right |
We had a 56 Nm run today from Chesapeake City to the Rhode River anchorage. The winds were light in the morning and the tide was with us more than I expected. Perhaps it was due to heavy rains up north. We saw very little debris until a patch by a shoal area that we passed to starboard. It seemed to be an eddy area that collected various logs and boards. Other than that area, the rest of the route was clear. We saw nothing in the bay as we approach the bridge by Annapolis and south of there.
The first of many sunsets we hope. |
The winds were predicted to be light, in the 5 to 10 range but once again every app including the Coast Guard forecast was wrong. The winds piped up to 15 to 17 kts right on the nose. When the tide turned in the afternoon, that resulted in wind against the tide. Now we had short, chopped seas, not good. The wind on Tuesday is predicted to be 10 kts out of the south and we're a little leary of that. If it really was 10 kts, that's okay even against the tide. However, 15 kts against the tide is definitely no good!
So we decided to wait out Tuesday at anchor in Rhode River. Wednesday has forecast winds out of the west, a much better direction - provided the forecast doesn't change. Then it looks good for making Hampton, VA by Friday afternoon.
So you skipped Annapolis. We are really enjoying all the action now you will be ahead of us! When we leave on Sunday we are considering taking some time and enjoying the sights. We will catch up to you though!
Janice, yes, we’ve got to meet sometime. I'll even break out the wine not in a cardboard box, a very special occasion indeed!
Good afternoon. We are heading south from the SSCA Gam in Pasadena, MD. Plan to overnight to Hampton,VA. I hope we cross paths.
Cheers, Rick & Christine
S/Y Echoes (former SurfRyder, B423 #32)
Hi Bob - Thanks for the great information posted on your blog. We will be leaving Havre de Grace, MD and heading south to the Abacos in late October. The mast on our Sabre 452, S/V Coral, is 64'11" (or close). I am interested in any information on water levels and bridge heights between Norfolk and Beaufort, NC. Any updates would be useful as we are thinking about being forced to go outside Cape Hatteras. I have read on the Sailfeed blog by Tom Hale that most boats heading south are going outside around Cape Fear. Much appreciated, David Baird (baird@bronson.ca)
Rick, we plan on being there by Friday for a couple of days.
David, on my journey north last spring, I took photos of every height board on fixed bridges and compiled a list of bridges and their clearances corrected to MLW. I included all that in the 2018 edition of my Guide, paperback and ebook. Some bridges didn’t have height boards so no data there.
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