Not what you want to visit much |
Ann got worse during the night so I took her to the local urgent care center. They are all over the place anymore and very handy. We had used Care On Call, the internet over the iPad service but we thought she needed more personal care after last night. After an X-ray, she had a touch of pneumonia in one lung. The antibiotic she was taking was not strong enough for that.so she got whole new prescriptions and she's on a new regimen.
We continue to be stuck in Lantana waiting for the Southern Blvd bridge to open. We're thinking about going north on Monday to get in position for the first opening on Tuesday at 7:30 pm. I imagine there will be an entire flotilla waiting for that first chance to get through in over a week! It promises to be a zoo.
All of Florida seems to have this type of architecture, not too exciting |
We were supposed to get a car this morning but Enterprise overbooked and had no car for us! So instead of having a car for transportation to the urgent care center, we had to take a taxi both ways for $45. We were not thrilled at that!
I had to hunt for a sunset and this one is over train tracks and an industrial area, oh well |
Now it's in the evening and Ann's starting her medications. We'll relax and watch a little TV on Netflix (unlimited streaming is a wonderful thing) and probably retire early. Saturday should be a little more relaxed.
Take care of that girl....shes a keeper!
Fred, you’ve got that right! 50 years and counting!
Be very careful with that illness. I'm sure you know that in an older person, it can be very dangerous and worsen quickly. (BTDT!!!) I hope Ann feels better soon! Rest and Chicken Soup with the meds!
/s/ Kitt'n Scott
s/v HyLyte
Kitt, Ann is more prone to problems than most due to her past history. Usually, being on a boat is the healthiest environment for her due to the open flow of air, except when I bring home a bug. She had her first good night's sleep in two days last night.
Peigi and I send our best wishes for Ann's speedy recovery. Hopefully, the good night's sleep last night is an indicator that she's on the mend.
Meanwhile, we launch May 4! I know, I know, if we went south during the winter we wouldn't have to spend half the year! on the hard and there's so much more we could see and do. 3 more years...
Ken and Peigi
Ken, Ann is definitely doing better. Be sure to be on the water next season!
Sounds like you had a Seinfeld rental car experience.
Jerry: I don't understand. Do you have my reservation?
Rental Car Agent: We have your reservation, we just ran out of cars.
Jerry: But the reservation keeps the car here. That's why you have the reservation.
Rental Car Agent: I think I know why we have reservations.
Jerry: I don't think you do. You see, you know how to *take* the reservation, you just don't know how to *hold* the reservation. And that's really the most important part of the reservation: the holding. Anybody can just take them.
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