Shallows along the way and a Hammock |
We went through Jekyll at high tide which is the only way to do it. The passage is very narrow if you're trying to get the deepest water. We found the lowest to be 5.1 MLW which is about average for recent runs and it occurred just north of G19 which you pass by 50 ft off for 7.0 MLW. There were lots of other shallow spots on the way to Crescent River but with a 3 and 4 ft tide, they were not a problem although they caused a few anxious moments.
We only went 36 Nm and so we had a relatively short day. We could have pushed on to Kilkenny where we will stage for going through Hell Gate at a high tide but that won't be until Monday. We are not in that big a hurry, we'll get north as time permits.
Hoolie's shore - it even has a tree for Hoolie |
Meanwhile, my 15 year old dinghy sprung several leaks. The fabric has been worn away on one side (where it leaks) by Hoolie over the years on his rides to shore and back. Eventually, that took its toll and it looks like I need a new dinghy. I already have about a half dozen patches but the new leaks are area leaks through the fabric and at a seam, not good. Now we have to look around for a replacement.
We have less than 30 miles to travel to Kilkenny on Sunday so it will be a short day and we'll have a high tide for any problem stretches. Now, where's that new dinghy?
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