Just a planting along the sidewalk, it's like a garden around here |
Ann has resumed her pastels but is still in the cabin due to the winds which tend to blow the pastels around, not to mention the painting itself. So apart from the ever curse of having to do laundry, it was painting time. When she completes the pastel I'll post it.
During the last rain storm we noticed our Henri Lloyd raincoats were no longer waterproof. Searching around, we found a
waterproof system sold by Henri Lloyd and it arrived today. It comes in two bottles, one for cleaning and one for the waterproofing itself. We'll give it a try on Thursday. The two Henri Lloyd jackets we have are otherwise fine and we hope this will restore the waterproofing.
Sloppy Joe's at night, people everywhere |
I walked Hoolie down Duval Street again tonight and it was as crowded as ever. Sloppy Joe's was packed to the walls, it's a popular spot with everyone but then all the places were packed as far as I could tell. Everyone on Duval was doing great with the spring breakers in town. So far we've still been fairly quiet on our docks at night even though there's a big powerboat docked in from of us with kids onboard. We're hoping for the best.
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