Barry Cuda entertaining at Sloopy Joe's, great fun on a Monday afternoon |
We do like it here at Key West Bight City Marina but there's not much help when coming into the dock. They always seem to be short handed. They lost one of their dockhands last week when he decided to move back north to Maine (?!) That leaves one or at best two manning the office and little left over for helping dock a boat. So I was down below when a large catamaran claimed a slip down from us. He was going to back in, always a tricky maneuver even with no wind given the narrow fairways. After four tries he made it close enough to throw us a line and all was well. We do try to help each other on the dock.
We had a visitor in the marina, a manatee after fresh water from a hose on a nearby powerbosat |
Barry Cuda who plays the piano was featured at Sloppy Joe's today (every Monday afternoon) so we took at walk over to listen. The place was packed as usual but at least there were not cruise ships in today so eventually a table opened up which we grabbed. We split one of their famous Sloppy Joe sandwiches which has a unique sauce setting it apart from the usual fare. We stayed for almost two hours just listening to Barry play. He plays everything from memory and he seems to have an enormous repertoire. We just enjoy sitting and listening to him play.
Everybody gathers to watch the sun go down at Mallory Square |
One other performer we try not to miss is
Skraeling, a band that plays Irish tunes. They are featured at Schooner Wharf Tuesday night, a one time appearance so we'll go over at 6:30 or so and try to get a table and eat dinner. The lead musician is a classically trained violinist and he's amazing to listen to, especially with Irish melodies.
And a nice sunset to boot |
I finally got over to Mallory Square tonight while walking Hoolie for his evening stroll. It was as crowded as ever with the usual mix of performers but the real attraction is the sunset. With daylight savings time, I have enough leeway after dinner to walk over and participate in the viewing.
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