The pelicans are ever hopeful a scrap or two will come their way |
The winds increased today, it's blowing like stink. Nobody went outside today. All the tourist boats stayed in the harbor as well they should have. The people in the dinghies that came into the dock were all dressed in full rain gear, it's a little sloppy out there. Even in the midst of all that, we saw one soul rowing out without a motor. I guess he wanted the exercise. Looking off the end of the dock, you could see whitecaps in the protected entrance to the harbor.
We had wanted to see the
artisan market by the
restaurant store but with the winds we just decided to stay on Fleetwing. We rocked a bit but we were secure. Checking my to do list, I started on my tax return, downloading TurboTax from the Amazon website. You don't need paper forms anymore. Every form you need can be downloaded off the web from your bank or stock broker. All you need is a good internet connection. Upon completion, you can send in the completed tax return via a secure connection, no problem there.
Once you get off the harbor, the wind is shielded by all the trees and it's not so bad. It also helps that it's not cold with temperatures still in the mid 70's. The first of the spring breakers arrived last night and the nearby swimming pool will be rocking tomorrow. We'll have a week or two of them before things settle down again towards the end of the month.
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