They had several loggerhead turtles in the complex |
We explored the Marineland stadium where they have loggerhead turtles, rays and dolphins. At one time it was a thriving tourist attraction with the dolphin performances. However, they succumed to the competition from Disneyworld and no longer offer dolphin shows. They are now a research center sponsored by the Georgia Aquarium and you can still buy tickets to tour the area and watch the feeding of the dolphins. If you want to pay more, you can even feed them yourself, we watched.
Feeding the dolphins - but you had to pay extra for the privilege |
Other than the dolphin center, there's nothing here. We were loaned a car yesterday to visit the nearest Publix five miles south of here for a few odds and ends. After that we just hung around the boat. At low tide the depth meter read 4.2 ft at our dock! At high tide it reached 7.4 ft. We want to leave in the morning for Rockhouse Creek but first light is only 2 hours before low tide. Hopefully we can waddle through the mud to the ICW channel, we draw 4 ' 9".
The little fella hid in the anemone |
We will spend one night at Rockhouse Creek and then it's on to Titusville Municipal Marina for the next two months as we take our leave and return home for the holidays before continuing our trip south the first week in January.
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