The rain finally stopped |
It stormed all through the night and into most of the morning. I did find a gap in the rain to take Hoolie ashore but then it started up again. By 2:00 it was all over and the rest of the day was fine. We were going to stay here today anyway so we just enjoyed the good weather for the afternoon.
Have I heard these before.....? |
So I wandered around the shops and discovered the "Women's 5 Most Deadly Vocabulary Words" on a tee shirt. I think I've come across these before... For the rest of the day it was planning the trip south. We are not in sync with the tides and we'll hit some of the shallow areas at low tide, not a good plan but I think we can make it through (wow... says Ann?) So I refilled the water tanks and washed out the cockpit, we're all set to go. We met a couple in a sailboat with a 5' 6" draft, wing keel, that were taking their first trip down the ICW and were unaware of all the shallow water ahead of them?! Live and learn I guess.
We are headed this way Thursday morning |
We are aiming for Georgetown on Thursday and the trip down the Waccamaw River is one of the most beautiful stretches of the ICW. It's alligator country for sure but they are mostly in the side branches and not out in the river itself. We don't plan on anchoring anywhere nearby and will take a slip in Georgetown. Unfortunately, it the weekend of the wooden boat show so we'll be upriver from the town itself.
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