Sunrise coming our of Tavernier |
After an overnight stay at Blue Seas Marina where we took on water and did laundry, we found the seas to be flat calm. We got out at 7:30 and headed east. There was nary a wave as we exited Tavernier and we cleared the 4.3 ft bar since we had a 1.2 ft tide in our favor.
Approaching Miami |
We were greeted with a great sunrise, one of the few we've seen on this trip. With the time change, the sunrise is later relative to our non-adjusted bodies so far so we were up. With the calm weather we set anchor at Marine Stadium at 3:30 pm in the northeast corner, our favorite spot for easy access to Hoolie relief.
We've got to get one of these! |
We didn't see the usual array of shells or racing sleds but we did see the single man sailing sled on hydrofoils, I guess it's a staple around here. We plan on being here until Sunday we think unless the weather changes drastically. The price is right! ($0) and Hoolie relief is nearby. On Sunday we're headed for Ft Lauderdale and points north but for now we'll rest here.
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