A sailboat came by, stopped and turned around to the docks. They were concerned about clearing the bridge since it had no height boards. Later on they relented and successfully made it under. Doesn't look like it from the photo. |
We had intended just reaching RE Mayo today but once we got underway and making such good time at 7.9 kts with the tide and a west wind, we decided to skip RE Mayo and just head for the Bunches, our friends from the Poughkeepsie YC that have a condo in Washington, NC. We arrived at RE Mayo in good cheer around 11:30 but then saw one of the huge shrimp boats parked at the fuel dock. He was taking on 4000 gallons of diesel and they only had one pump. With that it was wait time since we required fuel to reach Washington.
Hey, I need some ice. They keep a LOT on hand for the shrimp boats! |
The first report was for another 1/2 hour but that came and went and the final total wait time was almost three hours! That killed any chance of going beyond where we were at. Consequently, we are spending the night on the docks but we did stock up on local scallops and shrimp and the dockage was only $0.40/ft with free electricity. Now that might sound like a bargain but then you've got to see the docks. They are obviously sturdy since they dock 90 ft shrimp boats but they are kind of patched and sort of raw. We found the one 30 amp outlet on the guest docks and tied up for the night. We used lots of fenders and lines, we're secure.
Note the docks, some piling broken off, some not and patched docks |
Ann picked up three packages of shrimp and two of scallops, one of which we had tonight. The evening thunderstorms are all around us but so far none have hit us, I'm sure that will change later on but so far, so good. The problem is Tuesday. Thunderstorms are predicted in every hour of the forecast. We'll just watch the weather radar to see if there's a four hour window for us to reach the Bunches, if not we'll stay another day.
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