Lots of tug traffic but they slowed down when going by us |
We left at 5:30 am and arrived at Atlantic Highlands at 4:30 pm, an 11 hour trip. The passage today was one of the calmest we've ever had. Winds and swells were out of the south so everything was at our backs. We traded off every 1/2 hour which made the time go quickly.
Hoolie's dock was in the second fairway past the fuel dock |
Coming into New York Harbor there were several dredges in evidence. These were not the puny dredges we've seen down south on the ICW, these were huge, several times larger. They were dredging one of the two main channels into the city. As large as they were, they looked small compared to the size of the harbor they were dredging.
It's nice to see that we made our destination after 11 hours |
On Friday we're going to attempt to get home to PYC. It about 86 Nm north but it's only possible if we catch the 1 to 2 kt current going north. According to the tide tables, we should be able to do just that but the currents are notoriously difficult to predict since they also depend upon the current state of rainfall and whether there's been an off shore wind or not. If we get what is predicted, we'll reach PYC, if not we'll either anchor at Haverstraw Bay or perhaps go a little farther and take a dock at the Marlboro YC. If we do the latter, we'll come into PYC by noon.
Welcome home! Liz and Don
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