About 1/4 of the exhibits, close to the Truman Annex |
The cold front passed and we have the north winds from behind it, a high today of only 64! However, with the passing of the front we do have sunny weather. Once you leave the area of the docks, the houses and trees deflect the wind so all you feel is the sunshine and it's quite comfortable although you would never know it from how the locals dress - full parkas with hoods drawn tight!
This guy followed us closely at feeding time at 4:00 pm by A & B Marine |
Once a year Key West has the art festival at the end of February. This year it was the most extensive we've seen of any over the past six years. About 75% of the exhibits were of local artists of varying capabilities with emphasis on the varying. But this year they had some very good artists from outside the area. The best one in the whole show were paintings by
Susie Poff. The paintings were bold and bright with color but not garish, the colors harmonized. She was easily the best in the show.
The rest of the exhibits were typical Key West, okay but nothing spectacular. Some of the jewelry was pretty good but not good enough to buy. We walked back in the sunshine out of the wind that seems to be a constant this year. It's predicted to warm up to back in the 70's the rest of the week with less wind, a welcomed relief!
I just found your blog and after a quick reading have determined that I will be referring to it as we prepare for our dream cruise down the ICW from Newport, RI to Key West. Our plan is to leave Newport mid-September. We have a Catalina 42, wing-keel, named Obsession. We have cruised for the past 30+ years from Maine to Western Long Island. If you are planning another trip this fall maybe we will cross paths along the way. I plan on keeping a blog, and already have one of our trip to Maine several years ago titled Travels Aboard Obsession. I also have established a Facebook page titled Aboard Obsession.
Enjoy the rest of your season -
Janice Roehr
We will also be leaving mid-September this year for our 7th trip down the ICW, It never gets old. I will continue to post at every Active Captain marker on my way down (and up too). Some have asked for the hazard info all in one place so I published a book on Amazon.com, titled 2015-ICW-Cruising-Guide. I will be publishing a 2016 revision by the end of June 2016 with expanded coverage and information.
We cruised in Maine for three years, it's our favorite cruising area. We've chartered in the Caribbean a dozen times, great fun there too. You'll find the guides to those area on the blog site for free download although they are probably somewhat outdated by now. Every summer we cruise all over Long Island Sound. We'll head back north the beginning of April.
Have fun planning your dream trip, it's an experience of a lifetime!
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