Many streets in the area have the canopy effect of trees that cover the road |
One member of the crew is not doing so well, namely the captain. I've picked up a northern bug and it's working its way through my system. As a consequence we're not getting out very much, just sticking around the boat and sipping cough medicine. So far (knock on wood) Ann has not caught it.
Agsinst a blue sky |
We did get out for a walk through nearby streets and admired the flowers and shrubs. There is always something in bloom and the residents seem intent on keeping nice landscaping around their houses. I've included a few photos but I don't know the names of all the flowers - but they do look pretty.
Right along the sidewalk |
Meanwhile, Key West continues to be crowded. We're looking forward to seeing a few boats leave on Tuesday, we hope. On the dock we're on, there are still many empty slips so there is still room, even during the high season. The "Gene Machine" still blocks the entire southern horizon, oh well - everybody's entitled I guess.
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