Typical sidewalk in Key West |
The forecast for the next 10 days has the same high, 79, day in and day out. The chance of rain may vary some, from 10% to 30% but we've had no rain since Sunday two weeks ago. However, we're not out in it since we continue in recovery mode. Both Ann and I are getting better, thank goodness.
Close up of a cluster - smells good too |
I walked to the grocery store about three blocks away for interim provisions and it was apparent everything is in bloom around here. Some of the houses go out of their way to plant trees that flower, very beautiful.
On the way back I stopped by Eaton Fish Market for fresh Wahoo which we had tonight. It's a local fish just caught yesterday. Ann wasn't up to anything fancy so it was pan seared with some sauce we had. If a fish is fresh, you don't need much with it.
Eaton Fish Market - Nice store! |
Thanks to everyone who wrote to express their concerns over Ann. She is doing better and we have a second appointment with the same doctor this coming Wednesday for a follow up. Given that she gets a good review, we'll head out for Newfound Harbor the next day, Thursday, 3/1 to start our long trip back north.
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