Big hamburger - big appetite! |
ahoy there is me sarah! i have waked up and stayed in bed a little and play a game then got up to set the table when nana and grandpa walked hoolie and had cereal and toast. then matt and grandpa went to go get the motor off the dink and went to go sailing there were big waves i felt sea sick the wave felt like we were going up a little hall!before i got sea sick i colored a picture and made a designs!we are in bockisland!me and matt swan on the back of the boat i did the cannon ball and the pencil dive.we did not go in the water that much because we saw 12 jellys fish . i have played a game,now going to walk hoolie, matt swam to shore when we were in the dink then he swam back to the boat and pick him up for a dink ride and went back with matt. we ate dinner we had cheeseburgers.then when nana and grandpa walked hoolie we did the dishes then nana and grandpa came back still in the dink said to come in the dink because we were going to do a dink ride and it was longer than last time then went back to the boat.now going to watch a movie any which way you can!
We each had a hamburger but Matt had two - furthermore, he finished both of his before we had eaten half of ours - such is a teenager appetite, as we're learning once again... The trip over from Stonington was bouncier than I expected. There were 4 to 5 ft rollers coming in off the ocean, Fleetwing went up and then it went down for the two hour trip out to Block. Sarah felt a little queasy and Matt came up to the cockpit but nobody got sick. We ran through some unexpected fog along the way but everything cleared as we approached Block.
A small sample of Block Island anchoring (out by us) |
You wouldn't know there was any kind of recession by looking at Block Island. It's packed as usual but we did find a spot close to the eastern shore and we're settled in for the next few days with company coming (Phil, Monique and Natalie) due on Saturday.
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