Lots of turtles at Barefoot Landing - there's a lake in the middle of the complex - they are fed a lot |
Today was predicted to be full of thunderstorms and high winds but as the day progressed, none of the storms appeared. There was some wind but with the temperatures in the high 70's, we could take that. One good thing about the area down here is that it's flat - which makes for easy walking. You have to get out and exercise whenever you can while on a boat although I've never had a problem resuming my running routine upon returning from a long cruise. Evidently, the normal level of activity on a boat (balancing against boat motion, going up and down the stairs - our own version of a stepper exerciser - taking Hoolie out for his constitutions, etc.) keeps us pretty fit.
Someone is always stopping by to chat |
Since we're so close to the walking area, several times a day a couple will stop and talk to Ann about our experiences (she talks to everyone!) This afternoon was no different. She traded recipes, talked about the cold weather up north (they were from Pennsylvania). One couple woke up one morning with the temperature in the 20's and the husband said, "Pack your bags, we're heading south!" We can understand that reasoning provided you're in a situation where you can do that.
Watch your fingers!! |
I was talking Hoolie out tonight and walked by the tiger exhibit and tonight they had the tigers out on display. They took a tremendous interest in Hoolie - and Hoolie barked and barked. I don't think they wanted to play, they saw a juicy morsel! I went and got Ann but by the time we returned, they were loading the tigers into a portable cage for transport to a van and their overnight home. They are some large animals!!!
Here they are rolling the tigers down the sidewalk in their portable cage, I wouldn't want to do it... |
We'll leave Saturday morning for Carolina Beach and we plan on trying out a new place where we've never been, Carolina Beach State Park Marina. We're told it's a little shallow with at best 5 ft a low tide but we'll give it a try.
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