We're tied up nicely, snug |
I reserved a car from Enterprise for a week to have wheels for exploring the area. The total cost including all taxes and fees came to $175 for the week which I thought was very reasonable for a full-sized car. So we plan on visiting the Kennedy Space Center again as well as Merritt Island and several attractions inland (but not Disney World, not a favorite of Ann).
Birds abound around here! |
So while I was getting the car I got a call from Joe Mastri. He was on his way south for the winter and called to pay a visit. Earlier that day we made a call on the nearest Publix supermarket to provision for the rest of the trip and buy a rotisserie chicken for dinner. What's one more for dinner? Not a problem. Joe partook of the chicken and has a comfy bed in the aft cabin for the night. He'll head out in the morning for his condo in Boynton Beach for the winter. We'll continue on exploring the area and enjoying the nice weather which is forecast to be in the 70's all week!
Cozy dinner with Joe Mastri8 |
We're settling in here for a long stay before heading north again. The marina has super protection and the slips have huge pilings to tie up to. Add in the fact that there's no current or tide, it's close to ideal - especially with the $10/ft rate for a month's stay. It's the least expensive monthly rate on the florida coast. Our TV antenna picks up 35 channels and the marina has free WiFi at a 6 Mbps rate, very good indeed. We may be here for awhile.
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