New Bern Bear |
It’s still quite warm here with temps in the high 70’s so we decided to take advantage of the good weather for a trip to New Bern, some grocery shopping and a lunch out. Many of the towns in North Carolina have town mascots. Washington, NC has a crab and New Bern adopted a bear. The town raises money for improvements like a new dock area or support for the arts through the sale of the statues and then buyers pay the town for the painting and decorations of the statues. In New Bern the bears were everywhere, decked out in all sorts of outfits, I took a photo of one such bear.
Pepsi Invented Here! |
New Bern has one other claim as the original source of Pepsi. It was invented here by a local pharmacist and the name was later change to Pepsi. As a confirmed Pepsi addict, I had to get a picture of the elixir at the source. We had lunch in one of the places the inventor owned at one time. The downtown area has gone through a renovation and we explored the shops. We’ll be here Wednesday and then we plan to continue our cruise.
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