Fleetwing Chef at Work |
It is really amazing here. There was a small craft advisory out for all day Sunday and Monday. However, here in the anchorage the winds were around 10 kts and, of course, the waters were calm. It’s really deceptive, you wonder why you are still here in such good weather for traveling, regardless of the forecast – they have been know to be wrong in the past. The first clue was two boats that came in this morning, they must have gone out and returned. Then when we could stand the good weather no longer, we hauled anchor ourselves and went out to go south. On the way out, we passed a boat that was also returning from the bay and in passing they said the winds were peaking at 27 kts with large waves. Undeterred, we soldiered on and found the same conditions. It wasn’t the wind so much as the short, steep, choppy waves in the four foot range. It was not fun. We passed a Nonsuch going out after we turned around to return to the anchorage and thought that they were going to be sorry! True enough, about ½ hour later, they also returned to the anchorage and joined the 14 other boats here waiting for better weather. As it stands now, the weather won’t improve until Tuesday so we’ll probably be here for another day. Of the 20 days we’ve been traveling, we’ve had to lay over for 11 days due to weather. I don’t know if this is normal or not but it seems high to us.
Meanwhile, Ann prepared French toast for breakfast upon our return and chicken gorditas for dinner, I have a fine cook aboard!! Must keep the cook happy! We’re happily running the genset to power the heater and our electronics so we’re very comfortable, it’s just that we’d rather be moving south, perhaps on Tuesday.
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