The repairman was not due to arrive until "mid-morning" which turned out to be around 11:00am. He diagnosed the problem to be a loose transmission control wire. The transmission was okay, the push wire to control the engaging was loose. He fixed that problem but then found that the house batteries were not only dead but devoid of water. They had to be replaced and while that procedure was going on, we all went to a local fried seafood place that I can now recommend, quite good.
With the boat finally in working order again, we headed for Mackarel Cove but by that time the light wind had died completely so we motored the 7 miles to the cove, enjoyed another Happy Hour, two rounds of bridge and settled in for the night.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Mackarel Cove - The Repairman Finally Arrives at Bass Harbor
Posted by Bob423 at 4:46 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 30, 2007
Bass Harbor - Chuck Dobson Saves the Day!

The chase boat appeared out of the fog and tied up alongside Firefly to provide power. With Firefly taken care of, we motored back across the bar and picked up a mooring at Bass Harbor. Then we got the full story. I seems that Firefly was crossing the bar (a narrow channel across a shallow bar close to shore just south of Bass Harbor) when it lost all power to the prop! The wind was very light at that point and the lobster pots started to go faster than they did (in other words, the current was pushing them backwards even though they were making a little headway, but not faster than the current!) Understandably, they were concerned about ending up on the nearby rocks! They did finally make it through and that's when we got the first call. In all, we made the passage between the bar and the green #1 three times that day!

We found a mooring and I dinked to the Morris Yachts dock and who did I see but Chuck and Jean Dobson waving from the Morris dock! As it turned out, Firefly was totally out of ice and needed 40 pounds desperately. To add insult to injury, Morris Yachts was out of ice! Chuck volunteered to drive one of us to the nearest ice source, about a mile down the road. He came back with 80 pounds of ice (I took 40 for our cooler). Chuck was renting a vacation cottage just up the road in Sawyer Cove and just happened to be at Morris Yachts when we came in, lucky for us! We celebrated with a Happy Hour on Fleetwing with all the crew and the Dobsons.
Posted by Bob423 at 4:39 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Markarel Cove - More Fog!
We awoke to a dense fog (again!) and couldn't even see shore although it was only about 500 feet away. We took our handheld GPS along with the boat's location plugged in and headed out for shore. Lance did his business quickly and by that time we could see our boat loom through the fog. The fog slowly lifted and we did a circumnavigation of Round Island which was beautiful with the pink granite and the aroma of balsam pines in the air. By noon the fog had lifted enough for us to head out but we ran into fog again in the middle of the bay but we were able to sail along at about 5 kts or so. As we approached Swans Island, the fog lifted and we found the Mackarel Cove anchorage empty. With a breeze out of the south, we could relax on the back of our boat and look out on Mt Desert, a very pretty view. The Bunches and Zeisings came over for dinner and I grilled chicken breasts that had been marinaded all afternoon. A great dinner with bridge afterwards.
Posted by Bob423 at 4:36 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Round Island Anchorage - Hiking on the Islands

Posted by Bob423 at 4:27 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 27, 2007
Carver Cove - The Bunches and Zeisings Arrive

Posted by Bob423 at 4:24 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Warren Island - Matthew's Birthday

Posted by Bob423 at 4:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Belfast City Landing

Posted by Bob423 at 10:06 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Holbrook Harbor near Castine
The fog broke around noon so we decided to head to the top of Penobscot Bay to escape the fog and for warmer weather. Holbrook Harbor has plenty of room to anchor and a pebble beach for the kids to play on. They were feeling a little confined after several days onboard. Matthew restarted his blog:
Hi it is Matt, yesterday I took Lance to the dock so he could pee. It was foggy I saw a schooner that followed us and I took a two mile walk to Stonington. The fog lifted and we headed to Castine. We went swiming and found some shells on a rocky beach and saw some osprey. I steered the dink back to the Fleetwing. Played my gold gameboy and made a lego engine. I saw a beautful sun set. We hope to do more sailng today and look out for more lobster pots. Lobster pots are conected to a buoys and moorings so the lobster men can get the pots.
Believe it or not, Matthew stayed in the water about an hour. We just said, "Times up" and this was with the water temperature around 61F!
Posted by Bob423 at 9:52 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 23, 2007
Billings Marine on Deer Island

Arriving at Billings Diesel we picked up a mooring and upon looking in more detail I found one of the battery switches slightly off-center from being fully on. Recentering that switch, everything returned to normal. The kids had been playing in their cabin where the battery switches were

Posted by Bob423 at 9:40 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Seal Bay
Dear readers, today I woke up for a hour before everybody and my Dad was stuck in one position. We went out to get some provisions for the boat and left after breakfast. I saw 14 schooners. A schooner is a boat with two or more sails. We saw a schooner that had three sails it was huge. The next thing we did was motor into the bay and I went swimming. I took a shower. And brings me to right now.

Posted by Bob423 at 9:30 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Rockland Harbor at Dock
We sailed all the way from Carver Cove to Rockland, reaching 7.5 kts in places. It was a Saturday so everyone was out, the bay was full of sailboats. Several windjammers were out and about too. We had expected Philip and family to arrive sometime in the afternoon and were taking bets when they would get here. I placed a bet on 8:00 pm but lost by two hours. Everyone crashed as soon as they arrived. We'll spend a day at the dock and head out on Monday. The weather is supposed to turn warmer (!!) and even reach the 80's later in the week. We'll all look forward to that!
Posted by Bob423 at 9:09 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 20, 2007
Carver Cove on Vinalhaven Island
For those of you following the blog, I had mentioned that we anchored in Mackarel Cove based on the predicted winds from the SW and W. So, guess what, we had winds most of the night from the east, the least protected direction! At least the winds were less than 10 kts so they were not a problem. This goes in the same category as the wind always being from the direction you're headed in!
We had fog again for most of the day in Mackarel Cove but around 3:00 it cleared enough to see the lobster pots so we headed out for Carver Cove on Vinalhaven Island. I've been in Maine before and there have been lobster pots before but then main difference now is the quantity of pots and the total disregard for other vessels having to stay in a channel (e.g., Fox Island Thorofare, Deer Island Thorofare, etc.) for narrow passageways. In fact, if you didn't have charts, the best indicator of where the channel is located is the abundance of lobster pots. The more pots, the more certain you are in the main channel! There must be some logic here but it escapes me.
Since we had a late start and there wasn't much wind, we just motored. Upon arriving in Carver Cove we found the best part of the anchorage (closest to shore, the SW corner) had a fishing net stretched across the entrance! It was about a mile long. We headed to the northern part of the anchorage which still had good protection from the "predicted" NW winds. After doing our anchoring ritual, we saw two small, open boats coming with two square sails. We recognized them as from Outward Bound. We counted 10 people in each open boat! We were either mooned by the person on the forward deck or he was taking care of personal hygiene. After all, it was an open boat with 10 people, I don't imagine there's much privacy. We've heard that as part of Outward Bound, they typically stay out for a week. As night fell, they pulled a red cover over the top of the boat, talk about togetherness. By the way, the boat had a mixed crew too.
Meanwhile, there was a lot of activity around the net but it remained in place as we left the next morning. I don't know what they were trying to catch. I think the dog wanted to be in the main boat!
Follow our progress at Maine Cruise
Posted by Bob423 at 8:06 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Mackarel Cove

Tonight (7/19) we are supposed to have 15 to 20 kt winds out of the south so we are tucked in Mackarel Cove with protection from that direction - which will probably assure a wind direction from anywhere but the south! Such is sailing.
Posted by Bob423 at 11:29 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Still in Sourthwest Harbor at Hinckley Marine
We looked out this morning and couldn't see the boat moored next to us. Needless to say, we couldn't see the shore either. Navigating in fog is not a problem. With GPS and radar you know where you're at and you can see the other boats. The problem is avoiding the lobster pots of which there are many and in random places. We had planned on going to Mackarel Cove for the night but since we're on vacation and not confined to a schedule, we decided to just stay put for the day and go tomorrow. If it's still foggy, we'll just throttle back a bit and dodge the lobster pots to head west for our rendezvous with Philip and family on Saturday.
With that settled, we went into town. I finally found the town dinghy dock yesterday on the north side and it's only a short walk to town from there. As with all dinghy docks everywhere, it was packed with dinghies but there's always room for one more. Most people are polite and leave their motor down so the prop is not in position to do damage to neighboring dinks but then some are not so polite. Also, most leave a long painter so others can reach the dock, the impolite ones tied their dink tight to the dock, leaving no room for anyone else. Oh well, you can't change the world. Such are the concerns of someone retired, not bad.
Posted by Bob423 at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
To Southwest Harbor

We picked up a mooring ($35/night) at Hinckley Marine and admired the surrounding Hinckleys! I had Ann stand by their travel lift which I think would be entirely adequate for the club for our biggest boats although we might have trouble getting it to the well! I'm sure Rich would have fun with it.
The internet connection is not good here so I have to use the library WiFi to get out, it's the only place in town with an internet connection. At least it's free. The blog updates may be sparse as we head east, we'll see.

Posted by Bob423 at 9:18 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 16, 2007
Off to Mackarel Cove

We like Mackarel Cove anchorage since it's not only very protected from the south but also has an excellent view of Mt Desert highlighted by the setting sun. There's also shoreline to explore in the dink and plenty of room to anchor. You have 8 feet of water at low tide almost up to shore. The mooring balls in the harbor are at the edge of deep water at 8 feet at low tide and close to shore. There are only a few and they serve to delineate the harbor's edge.
Posted by Bob423 at 4:09 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Still in Smith Cove in Castine
Posted by Bob423 at 10:43 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Smith Cove by Castine

Posted by Bob423 at 8:57 AM 1 comments
Friday, July 13, 2007
Seal Bay

We refueled this morning with 31 gallons of diesel after 200 miles of motoring and using the genset every morning. Then it was off to sail in Penobscot Bay with a SW wind of 10 to 15 kts and bright sun. It was still brisk with a temperature of 66 in the bay but when we crossed over into the Fox Island Thorofare, the temperature rose to the mid 70's. However, the sail was just wonderful and the bay was full of sailboats (and lobster buoys!) It's sails like this that you come to Maine for along with the mountain scenery and remote anchorages.

Posted by Bob423 at 1:43 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Still in Rockland

Posted by Bob423 at 9:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Rockland Harbor at Dock

Posted by Bob423 at 9:55 PM 0 comments