St James Plantation is right on the ICW just south of Southport, NC. |
We could have gone today but the winds were 15 kts with higher gusts on the nose and against a 1.5 kt current and we had plenty of time so we just sat it out. Tuesday is predicted to be a much calmer day.
The houses here are beautiful. Every one is different and very well kept |
Ann painted all day and I did work on my ICW Facebook page. I've been working with the Wilmington US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) who are responsible for keeping the ICW clear of obstructions and dredged. They publish depth survey maps and some of the most recent ones had been deleted inadvertently. So I was drilling down into their organization to find who could fix it. It was typical of things I used to do before I retired. Work never seems to leave completely.
We hope to reach Surf City on Tuesday and perhaps dinner out. One major bridge is no more, the Surf City swing bridge has been dismantled. Hurray!! There are still the Wrightsville Beach swing bridge and the Figure 8 bridge to get through but it's much easier with the Surf City bridge being replaced with a 65 ft fixed bridge. We are on the move again Tuesday.
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