Barefoot Landing Marina is no more. Now it's a series of small docks for small boats for a day stay.
There's no electric, no water, etc. By the way, they were totally empty on a Saturday afternoon |
We passed through Lockwoods Folly and Shallotte today, traditional shoaling areas requiring high tides but this time they had been recently dredged and it was no sweat. We saw 10 MLW at both areas and they were straight shots through, no weaving and bobbing as in the past.
We passed this tug pushing a landing craft when a small powerboat went between us and the barge.
We were stunned when we saw him towing an inner tube filled with three small kids hanging
on for dear life, bouncing along over the waves. If anyone had been thrown off, they would have been
run over by the barge, no question! |
We arrived at St James Plantation around 3:30 and tied right up. It's the place we chose to ride out hurricane Matthew since it is so well protected. We met the McKays at the time who took us in, dog and all, when the hurricane went over the top of us that night long ago.
Bob423 and Hank Pomeranz |
They are planning a trip north in a couple of days and they took us to the 6:00 briefing on weather and the ICW by Hank Pomeranz. It's one of those things you should not miss if you're in the area. It's an excellent preparation for heading north in the spring.
What a great meal at a great price! And, totally unique way of charging. |
Next up was dinner out at
The Provision Company Their specials were outstanding. We had the three "made on the premises" crab cakes with two sides for $16.95, a real bargain. The ordering was rather unique. They wrote your order on a memo pad, tore it off for the chef to see, and then you went to your table. Somehow they found you in the crowd with your food in about 5 minutes. On the way out, you told them what you had and paid then. At no time were there any records I could see of what you ate. Ann had a glass of wine and I had iced tea. We just told them of that and it was added to the charge. The closest I've ever come to that arrangement was in the Caribbean at Sidney's Peace and Love where you mixed your own drinks and told the cashier what you had.
We all had a great time and we'll treat with dinner Sunday night.
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