It looked like a pirate ship. Along the way south to Vero Beach |
It was a perfect day to go south. The sun was out in full and there was no wave action with a high of 77 today. When we arrived at Vero Beach City Marina we found all the mooring balls full and many boats doubled up. We called the office and received a mooring assignment but when went to tie up the boat had nobody aboard and there were no cleats! On top of that, there was a Honda genset running on the bow making a racket, not good.
After making two runs at the boat without success, we requested another mooring and was given one in the north field, number 35. It was a 40 ft sailboat but again nobody was aboard. We came along side and carefully tied off to cleats on the boat, success! I then led a line from the bow to tie to the mooring itself. I wanted an independent line attached from the mooring ball to my bow cleat.
No empty moorings, time to raft. We're on the left |
So with a bow and aft line plus two lines fore and after with the bow line to the mooring, I think we're secure for our stay. As of 8:30 pm tonight, there is still no one on board, perhaps they are away? It's like being on a mooring by yourself, at least for the moment.
Once again we'll watch the weather closely. Sunday is definitely a stayover day. Strong winds and storms are predicted for our area but after that we'll have to see when to proceed.
We are in Vero Beach too, Sabreline trawler.
Trawler is on an anchorage.
TT, we'll drop by to say this afternoon if you're still around. We're on mooring 35.
We left in the am about 10. Resting on an anchorage a bit north of Jupiter. Leaving tomorrow for Palm Beach to pick up a package. Try to read your blog since I first heard of it from a friend.
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