The city maintains a very nice park by the canal |
As we wait out the weather, we are really vacillating. Should we go, should we not? We’re looking at NOAA marine forecasts, Grib wind reports, weather buoys, wave forecasts, current predictions and more. We’re awash in data, it’s the computer age. After much going back and forth, we’ll probably leave at 6:00 am on Thursday to take advantage of the outgoing current even though there will still be some winds and waves against us. The problem with Delaware Bay is the lack of any good anchorages between here and Cape May, especially with a dog. Once you go, you’re committed and it’s 69 miles. We’ll make our final decision at 5:30 am Thursday morning. You can see our decision by looking at Spot on the blog home page (Fleetwing’s position).
The place for good ice cream! |
Meanwhile, the entertainment of the day was watching boats trying to anchor in this loose mud. Six more boats came in and none were successful on the first try. The wind is dying off now so we should be okay for the night, we are closer together than I’m comfortable with but okay I think as long as no thunderstorms come through.
Looking at the tide charts, it looks liken we’re okay for taking the Cape May canal with their 55 ft height at high tide on two bridges. We should be there around low tide so we should clear given the added 3 to 4 ft of clearance. We plan on anchoring at Cape May and going north to Atlantic City on Friday. If all goes well, we’ll be back at PYC on Monday night, May 23.
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