We stayed over one more day to allow time for exploring and to have dinner at the Oar House. The walk into town was about a mile but we enjoyed the exercise and the shopping. The sun shone brightly and the air was just the right temperature with low humidity, not like in July or August. Coming back to the boat we noticed the windjammer anchored nearby (see photo), much bigger than any in Maine. They were busy ferrying passengers to the Oar House dock.
We took a tour of the harbor which is more extensive than one might realize at first with nooks and crannies not apparent from the main anchorage. After that we went into the Oar House for dinner which was much better than what one would expect at a resort area. I had tuna cooked rare with sesame seeds as a crust, outstanding and Ann had

Mahi-mahi with crab cakes, also excellent. I would recommend the Oar House without reservation, they have a very good chef.
Back on the boat we enjoyed the last of the sunset and look forward to our sail tomorrow the west anchorage of Fishers Island.
We also saw a restaurant run by our grandson "Finn" on Block Island. I wonder where he gets the time?
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