Thursday, September 18, 2008
Poughkeepsie Yacht Club - That's All Folks!!
Posted by Bob423 at 9:04 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Hook Mt Anchorage at Haverstraw Bay

Anyone who has ever negotiated the East River will recognize the orange ferries that you have to avoid when rounding the tip of Manhattan. They blow their horn and then start leaving their berth right away, waiting for no one. Luckily, they remained in their nests while we rounded by. Going up the Hudson we were down to 6.0 kts at one point when I saw a swirl of current on the east side of the Hudson. When I passed through the disturbed water, I my speed increased to 7.1 kts. The west side of the river had started to turn but the east side had not. This split personality continued all the way up to the GW bridge, interesting.

It was very warm with the thermometer at 84F at one point. We sat in the cockpit watching the sun go down and the lights of the Tappan Zee bridge come on. It's a calm, still night. It's hard to believe it's already September 17. I tried several shots of the Tappan Zee bridge and finally got one without too much jitter, hard to do from a bobbing boat.
Posted by Bob423 at 10:13 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Manhasset Bay - Sunrise and Sunset
The sun rises much later now than when we started out in June, late enough for us to catch a sunrise this morning at Port Jefferson. After two days of 15 to 20 kts winds (with gusts to 25 kts), it finally abated this morning. After a full 180 on the anchor, there was plenty of mud on the chain that had to be cleaned off with the washdown pump and then we were on our way. We had intended to stay overnight at Northport but listening to the weather forecast of high winds out of the north on Friday combined with a foul tide going up river, we decided to skip Northport and head directly for Manhasset Bay. Now we're situated for our run up to Haverstraw at the Hook Mt anchorage on Thursday, a day of calm winds according to the Morning Lies.
At Manhasset we once again picked up a free mooring from the town of North Hempstead. They have five free moorings located by can number 3A. Only one other mooring was in use. With the wind and the tide just right, we had a front row seat for the sunset. We must have taken two dozen photos, the best one is posted in the blog. It was quite a show for almost an hour.

Posted by Bob423 at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Port Jefferson - Layover Day

Posted by Bob423 at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Port Jefferson

It was a hot day and not much wind. We sailed some on the way to Port Jeff but we motored most of the way. We noticed a super yacht anchored in the west cove off the entrance to Port Jeff and wondered if the marina fees were getting to be too much even for them! I grilled a pork roast as the sun set, Ann too pictures. We'll stay put tomorrow as the remnants of Ike pass by.

Posted by Bob423 at 8:46 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Branford - Matthew Returns
Posted by Bob423 at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
Essex, Connecticut
Posted by Bob423 at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Block Island on Tuesday

We took a tour of the harbor which is more extensive than one might realize at first with nooks and crannies not apparent from the main anchorage. After that we went into the Oar House for dinner which was much better than what one would expect at a resort area. I had tuna cooked rare with sesame seeds as a crust, outstanding and Ann had

Back on the boat we enjoyed the last of the sunset and look forward to our sail tomorrow the west anchorage of Fishers Island.
Posted by Bob423 at 8:35 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Block Island
Posted by Bob423 at 9:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Cuttyhunk Island on Tuesday

Later that day we did some hiking and took photos from the top of the lookout platform (photo of harbor). It was a warm day with temperatures

Posted by Bob423 at 9:05 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
Cuttyhunk Island
The current changed against us at 10:00 am so we had to leave Sandwich by 8:00 heading west. Leaving our slip involved backing out into a constricted area while turning the boat. Our procedure in these types of situations is for Ann to be at the wheel while I manage the lines and stay on the dock until the last minute to ensure the boat leaves the slip without touching when there's a foul wind like this morning pushing us into the dock. Ann, as always, made the turn fine shifting from reverse to forward and we headed out of the marina on time.
The day was bright with a full sun and blue sky with temperatures in the 70's, a great day.
We had to motor through the canal, sailing is not allowed, but once clear of the western end we hoisted sail and sailed the rest of the way to Cuttyhunk. We had steady winds of 10 to 15 kts with flat seas, just perfect sailing. We found Cuttyhunk almost deserted, only about 10 boats at most in the anchorage. In talking to the harbor master, he said they put winter sticks on the moorings on October 15th. Now we're settled in for the night and looking forward to our next anchorage at Block Island.
Posted by Bob423 at 9:11 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Sandwich - Sunday

Posted by Bob423 at 8:15 PM 0 comments
Sandwich, After the Storm, 7:00 am
The winds peaked at 35 kts according to our anemometer. We're in good shape and the only damage we saw in the marina so far was one sailboat with a loose jib flapping away but someone rolled it up a few minutes ago. Currently the wind had backed down to 15 kts and compared to the gusts we've been through, it seems like no wind at all. We'll let the seas subside and explore Sandwich today and then head out for Cuttyhunk tomorrow.
Posted by Bob423 at 6:48 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Sandwich - Hanna Coming

Posted by Bob423 at 8:13 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
Sandwich, MA east end of Cape Cod Canal

Posted by Bob423 at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008

The harbor was a busy place. Evidently boaters are choosing where they want to weather the coming remnants of hurricane Hanna due by Saturday night. We have three nights reserved in Sandwich starting Friday so we're all set even though what's left of Hanna is supposed to pass directly overhead. Ann shot a photo of the lighthouse and several gulls nearby. The picture of the beach shows some of the summer houses. They are packed between July 4th and Labor Day. The breakwater was a favorite of Matthew's since he loved to climb the boulders. Off the Sandwich tomorrow.

Posted by Bob423 at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

As we exited the harbor at Portsmouth, we found an easterly swell coming in of 3 to 5 feet on top of the waves produced by the overnight north wind. It made for an interesting ride with the two wave fronts intersecting. We went up and then we went down! It's interesting when the top of the wave coming at you from the port side is level with your eye. As it passes under the boat, it's like you're on a giant elevator that can't make up it's mind whether to go up or down. We continued on in this mode for the next 30 miles motoring all the way. As we came to the characteristic twin lighthouses at Gloucester, the seas roughened and the waves got a little steeper but we ploughed on okay.

Well, we made it and the harbor was a great relief, dead calm. We picked up the mooring we had reserved the previous night and had the rest of Leathem's chili that was left over from their cruise with us in August, it was good. We didn't go ashore, we didn't go anywhere, early to bed tonight. I did take a photo of the a windjammer being refitted. Tomorrow we head out for Scituate and then Sandwich the next day. Should be an interesting ride again tomorrow.
Posted by Bob423 at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Wentworth at Portsmouth
Ann had a very vivid dream last night of us being up high and dry on the rocks at Richmond Island! It must have been the sound of the surf hitting the breakwater that triggered the dream. Normally we don't anchor in places where you can hear the surf, it's somewhat unsettling. However, we were fine, the anchor held as usual and the night was calm.
The morning was sunny again (ever since the Bunches left...) and we weighed anchor around 8:15 or so and headed south with a north wind behind us. The weather could not have been scripted better but we did have to motor today, the north wind was not strong enough to push us at 7 kts. We are eyeing Hanna every day now and with the current forecast, she's due to go right over us with high winds predicted on Saturday. With that forecast, we reserved a slip at Sandwich for Friday through Sunday night. We figured by Monday that Hanna will be far to the north and we'll be free to continue our course west, stopping at Cuttyhunk on the way to Block Island, at least that's the plan. Our Fleetwing is quite small compared to the behemoths docked near us (see photo). We did find a run-a-bout that would be perfect for the Zeisings to zip around it with three 300 hp outboards mounted!
Today was my 65th birthday so Ann took me out to a restaurant at the Wentworth which was very nice. We had drinks, wine, calamari and fish entrees for dinner along with a chocolate dessert. A great way to celebrate going on Medicare for paying all medical bills!
Posted by Bob423 at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
Richmond Is - 35 mile sail!

Once around the island we were in the lee of the mainland where we anchored in 15 ft. Richmond Island has a caretaker but they allow guests to come on land and hike around. A breakwater connects the island to the mainland so the anchorage is very protected. The sunset was cloudless but still nice. The night is clear and the moon is not up so we're hoping for a starry night.
Posted by Bob423 at 9:13 PM 0 comments