The dog park is a daily occurrence in the afternoon. Hoolie just likes to run, never-mind the other dogs |
Titusville is recovering. When the shuttle program ended, Titusville went into decline. They did the best they could but many stores closed and one shopping center went kaput! Gradually things got better. Today Ann went to the rebuilding of the shopping center that was just razed. The first store is a huge Hobby Lobby and there are many more to follow. The marina is in a revitalization program that started last year with a new WiFi system that actually works and allows streaming of Netflix, for example, in the evening.They are renovating the showers and restrooms over the next two months and you heard previously that there is now an indoor, air conditioned captain's room for cruisers. The outside captain's room is still there but now you have a choice, both have a panel HDTV.
We have a banana tree, sometimes we even have bananas |
So today I took Ann by Hobby Lobby and I went on to the ACE hardware store just south of there. When you walk through the doors, there's a greeter right at the entrance to ask you what you need so they can direct you to the right aisle. I haven't found that level of service at too many places anywhere.
The tops of masts are just built for the pleasure of ospreys |
The nearest Publix supermarket had our usual Friday night fare, a rotisserie chicken and sushi. I developed a taste for sushi during my six trips to Japan for IBM. Meanwhile we are waiting for news on the transmission but it will probably arrive ahead of any tracking information according to my dealer in Connecticut, Paul of
McDonnell Marine. The whole weekend will be exploration time for us, just visit around the area to see what's new. We will save packing for next week.
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