Glorious Flowers in full bloom around here |
We waited for our diver this morning but it was a no show. When I called he relayed that there was still a sighting of the alligator I took a picture of yesterday and he didn't want to be in the same water as the alligator. So now we're waiting for an "alligator free day" before the diver will show up. In the meantime we'll go ahead and schedule a haulout for Wednesday to replace the cutlass bearing. In the Beneteau it's an all rubber fitting to cushion the shaft and with grooves to let cooling water through.
No visit to Titusville is complete without fudge at Harvey's - and also fresh grapefruit |
Replacing the aft oil seal on the Volvo will be a separate event. That repair can be done in the water unlike the cutlass bearing replacement which requires a haulout. That procedure should be completed within a day so we'll still have the use of Fleetwing for overnight sleeping.
Our next door neighbor with a sunset - lots of friendly people here |
It's been a busy fall for us, not like previous trips down the ICW. Hurricane Matthew really through a monkey wrench into the whole affair and we're still recovering from it. Everywhere down the ICW we see boats up on shore, even down by Titusville. It will take awhile to clean things up. In fact, we're still recovering from our own disaster with the dinghy line.
Sunday is a day off for us. We'll visit Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge, one of our favorite places and generally take it easy.
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