The wood storks were out today |
Pins and needles are still in order, no transmission today although we really didn't expect it to arrive today even though it would have been three business days since ordering. However, if it doesn't arrive Tuesday, then we'll start to worry.
This is for Finn - see, we have trains down here! |
Meanwhile we continue to get the boat ready for our extended stay away from "home". We try to take everything out of the freezer ever since we didn't do that one year and lost electricity. The mess in the freezer was unbelievable. We never want to go through that again! We are going to see if we can get some dry ice for the cooler to keep our frozen meats still frozen. It's an experiment so we'll see how it turns out. We bought a foam cooler for that purpose for $2.75 at Walmart.
The plan is for the transmission to arrive on Tuesday and be installed on Wednesday with us leaving Thursday. It's a nice plan if it works out. Otherwise we'll have it done when we return in January assuming the part eventually arrives. I promised the Yahoo Group at Beneteau 423 that I would take step by step pictures of the procedure. Replacing the aft oil seal turns out to be a common repair on the Volvo D2-55 engine.
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